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A young child that is sitting in a tall chair in a dress.


A child sitting in a nice chair wearing dress clothing.

A horse with a saddle is shown outside a building marked "Chaplain", perhaps a store. Several men are also shown apart from the horse. This photo was possibly taken in the mid to late 1800's.

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Citizens of Stratford pose around a street corner to have their pictures taken. Due to the fact that the roads are dirt or cobblestone, and the form of garb, the estimated time of this photo is the late Eighteenth Century.

This is a view of Stratford's Main Street. It includes the steeple of Christ's Church on the left.

John Brooks Jr. born in 1795 was one of ten, and grew up in Newfield Harbor. He commanded many sailing vessels including the Intrepid, Arab, Patriot, Marry Ann, and Marshall. Information from Stratford and the Sea by Lewis G. Knapp.

This image shows an early Sterling House, and next to it lies the Congregational Church of Stratford.
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